Executive Committee

Research Advisory Board

  • Prof. Stephen Whitefield
    Professor of Politics, Rhodes Pelczynski Tutorial Fellow in Politics
    Pembroke College – University of Oxford

Associate Research Fellows

CeRSP Interns 

Teresa Luca [teresa.luca@cersp.org]: I am currently pursuing a two-year Master’s degree in Economics and Econometrics at the University of Bologna, where I also completed an interdisciplinary Bachelor’s degree in Economics. My passion for economic research and socio-political investigation has led me to join CeRSP, where I serve as both a research assistant and the communication manager.


Karina Tellman [karin.tellman@cersp.org]: Currently jointly studying at KU Leuven and the University of Bologna, completing the Una Europa Join Bachelor of Arts in European Studies with a major specialization in Business and Economics. Serving as a media strategist and project manager at CeRSP.

International Fundraising Board

Assembly of Associates