Environment and Health
Current Projects
- Binelli, Chiara, Serena Ceola, Raya Muttarak, and Chiara Puglisi. “Public Perceptions and Engagement in Adaptation Actions to Extreme Climatic Events in Emilia Romagna”.
- Binelli, Chiara and Laura Sartori. “Use, Trust and Perceived Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in the Clinical Practice: Evidence from Italy”.
- Binelli, Chiara and Matthew Loveless, “Environmental Actions and Support for Policy: Experimental Evidence from the US” CeRSP Working Paper 24/01
- Laura Anselmi: joint with NIHR Zimbabwe, INS Mozambique, University of Leeds, University of Bath, and Imperial College. “Performance-based financing mechanisms for health system strengthening in Africa”
- Binelli, Chiara, Matthew Loveless and Brian F. Schaffner. 2023. “Explaining Perceptions of Climate Change in the US” Political Research Quarterly 76(1): 365 – 380. doi:10.1177/10659129211070856
- Binelli C., 2021. “Estimating causal effects when the treatment affects all subjects simultaneously: An application” Big Data and Cognitive Computing 5(22):1 – 10.
- Laura Anselmi: NIHR – HSDR “Accounting for Unmet Need in Equitable Healthcare Resource Allocation” June 2020 – May 2023
- Laura Anselmi: Health Foundation “The Longer-term Effects of Health and Social Care Devolution: Learning from Greater Manchester” March 2020 – February 2022
- Laura Anselmi: MRC Skills Development Fellowship in Health Economics: “Beyond resource allocation formulae: analysing the role of local health authorities and providers in achieving equity in service delivery” April 2019- March 2022
- Turner, A, Anselmi, L, Lau, Y-S & Sutton, M 2020. ‘The effects of unexpected changes in demand on the performance of emergency departments’, Health Economics
- Ohrnberger J, Fichera E, Sutton M, Anselmi. 2020. ‘The effect of a conditional cash transfer programme across the mental health distribution’ Health Policy and Planning
- Ohrnberger,J., L. Anselmi, E. Fichera, M. Sutton 2020. ‘The effect of cash transfers on mental health: Opening the black box – A study from South Africa’ Social Science & Medicine, 260: 113181.
- Binyaruka P, Anselmi L. 2020. ‘Understanding efficiency and the effect of pay-for-performance across health facilities in Tanzania’ BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002326.
- Bower P, Grigoroglou C, Anselmi L, Kontopantelis E, Sutton M, Ashworth M, Evans P, Lock S, Smye S, Abel K 2020. ‘Is health research undertaken where the burden of disease is greatest? Observational study of geographical inequalities in recruitment to research in England 2013-2018’ BMC Med.,18;18(1):133.
- Ohrnberger, J., E. Fichera, M. Sutton, L. Anselmi. 2020. ‘The effect of cash transfers on mental health – New evidence from South Africa’ B M C Public Health, 20: 436.
- Ohrnberger, J., L. Anselmi, E. Fichera, M. Sutton 2020. ‘Validation of the SF12 mental and physical health measure for the population from a low-income country in sub-Saharan Africa’ Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 18 (1), 1-11
- Laura Anselmi: No cost extension March 2021 Health System Research Initiative co-funded by DFID/MRC/Wellcome Trust/ESRC: “Strengthening Health System Delivery and Quality: Mechanisms and Effects of Performance Based Financing in the Sub-Saharan Context” April 2017- March 2020
Current Projects
- Loveless, Matthew and Chiara Binelli. 2017. “Misperceptions of Macro-Economic Context: Income Inequality in the United States and the United Kingdom”: CeRSP Working Papers Series: WP15/01
- Loveless, Matthew. (forthcoming) ‘Perceptions vs. Reality: How Inequality Perceptions Shape Political Participation in Europe’ Acta Politica
- Binelli, Chiara and Naercio Menezes-Filho. “Why Brazil Fell Behind in College Education?”. Economics of Education Review, Volume 72, 80-106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econedurev.2019.04.007
- Loveless, Matthew and Chiara Binelli. 2020. “Economic Expectations and Satisfaction with Democracy: Evidence from Italy” Government and Opposition 55(3): 413-429. DOI: 10.1017/gov.2018.31.
- Simpson, Kathryn and Matthew Loveless. 2016. “Another Chance?: Concerns about Inequality and Support for both the European Union and Further Integration” Journal of the European Public Policy DOI: 10.1080 / 13501763.2016.1170872
- 2021: JEPP editorial board named this as one of the top 8 articles on EU Integration (link)
- Loveless, Matthew. 2016. “Inequality and Support for Political Engagement in New Democracies” Europe-Asia Studies 68 (6): 1003-1019. DOI: 10.1080 / 09668136.2016.1203865
Binelli, Chiara. 2016. “Wage Inequality and Informality: Evidence from Mexico”. IZA Journal of Labor & Development, 5: 5. DOI: 10.1186/s40175-016-0050-1
- Binelli, Chiara and Matthew Loveless. 2016. “The Urban-Rural Divide: Perceptions of Income and Social Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe” The Economics of Transition 24 (2): 211-231. DOI: 10.1111 / ecot.12087
- Binelli, Chiara. 2015. “How the Wage-Education Profile Got More Convex: Evidence from Mexico”. BE Journal of Macroeconomics 15(20):509-560. DOI: 10.1515/bejm-2014-0030
- Binelli, Chiara, Matthew Loveless, and Stephen Whitefield. 2015. “What Is Social Inequality and Why Does it Matter? Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe” World Development 70: 239-248. DOI: 10.1016 / j.worlddev.2015.02.007
- Loveless, Matthew. 2013. “The Deterioration of Democratic Political Culture: Consequences of the Perception of Inequality” Social Justice Research 26 (4): 471-491. DOI: 10.1007 / s11211-013-0198-7
- Whitefield, Stephen and Matthew Loveless. 2013. “Social Inequality and Assessments of Democracy and the Market: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe” Europe-Asia Studies 65 (1): 26-44. DOI: 10.1080 / 09668136.2012.734588
- Binelli, Chiara and Matthew Loveless. 2013. “Looking at Inequality”, Economic Review, Volume 30, Number 4, April.
- Loveless, Matthew and Stephen Whitefield. 2011. “Being Unequal and Seeing Inequality: Explaining the Political Significance of Social Inequality in the New Market Democracies” European Journal of Political Research 50: 239-266 DOI: 10.1111 / j.1475-6765.2010.01929.x
- Loveless, Matthew. 2010. “Agreeing in Principle: Perceptions of Social Inequality and Support for the European Union in Central and Eastern Europe” Journal of Common Market Studies 48 (4): 1085-1108. DOI: 10.1111 / j.1468-5965.2010.02088.x
- Attanasio, Orazio and Chiara Binelli. 2003. “Redistribution Policy: Theoretical Motivation and Empirical Evidence”, in Poverty, Inequality and Growth, Proceedings of the AfD / EUDN Conference 2003, Agence Française de Développement, Paris, France
Migration & Populism
Current Projects
- Downes, James and Lucas Sudbrack 2024. The Effect of Income Inequality on Far-Right Support in Europe.
- Downes, James, Valerio Alfonso Bruno, and Alessio Scopelliti. 2024. The Foundation, Rise, and Affirmation of Fratelli d’Italia (2012–2022).
- Downes, James 2024.. “How real is the threat of far right populist parties in June’s 2024 European Parliament elections?” European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR): The Loop.
- Downes, James, Valerio Alfonso Bruno, and Alessio Scopelliti. 2024. The Rise of the Radical Right in Italy: A New Balance of Power in the Right-Wing Camp. Columbia University Press & ibidem Press. 208 Pages.
- Downes, James 2024. “Europe’s far-right is making gains. Can they wield power?” South China Morning Post.
- Downes, James, Valerio Alfonso Bruno, and Alessio Scopelliti. 2024. The Rise of the Radical Right in Italy & The Transformation of Italian Politics. OxPol: University of Oxford. 1–5.
- Downes, James and Valerio Alfonso Bruno. 2023. The Radicalisation of the Italian Mainstream: Populist Radical Right Parties and Extreme Right-Wing Movements in Italy (2012–2022). Routledge: The Routledge Handbook of Far-Right Extremism in Europe. 129–144.
- Downes, James 2022. Far-right’s rise in Europe a warning signal for an EU beset with challenges. South China Morning Post.
- Downes, James and Alessio Scopelliti. 2022. A Comparative Analysis of Populisms in Europe: Exploring populist parties’ ideological flexibility and ambiguity. In:Populism and Far-Right: Trends in Europe. The Catholic University of Milan Press. 113-162.
- Downes, James, Valerio Alfonso Bruno and Alessio Scopelliti. 2022. The disunity of the Italian centre-left opposition on Ukraine. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR): The Loop.
- Downes, James F. 2020. “Disunity within the Ranks? Party Expulsions in the European Far-Right: 2000–2020.” (w/F.Wiebrecht, E. Chan and A. Kam). CeRSP Working Papers Series WP20/02.
- Downes, James F. 2020. “Ideological Ambiguity, Issue Blurring & Party Dissent: The Electoral Decline of the Populist Italian Five Star Movement.” (w/N.Palma). CeRSP Working Papers Series WP20/01.
- Downes, James, Matthew Loveless, and Andrew Lam. 2021. “The Looming Refugee Crisis in the EU: Right-Wing Party Competition and Strategic Positioning” Journal of Common Market Studies. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.13167
- Most cited paper in Journal of Common Market Studies 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.
- Downes, James, F. 2021. “The Populist Radical Left as a Transnational Social Movement in 21st Century European Politics: The Case of DiEM25.” (Routledge Handbook of Non-Violent Extremism: Groups, Perspectives and New Debates). (w/V.A.Bruno & E. Chan). Routledge
- COVID-19 & the (temporary) Fall of the Populist Radical Right in European Politics. In: Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right: Scapegoating, Conspiracy Theories and New Narratives. ibidem Press & Columbia University Press. 89–94.
- Downes, James, F. 2020. ‘From “Challengers” to “Incumbents’: The Populist Radical Right in Government.’ In: Tracking the Rise of the Radical Right Globally. (w/F. Wiebrecht & E. Chan). ibidem-Verlag/ Columbia University Press
- Downes, James, F. 2019. “The Decline of the Left and the Populist Radical Right Surge in the Refugee Crisis.” In: Tracking the Rise of the Radical Right Globally. ibidem-Verlag / Columbia University Press
- Downes, James and Matthew Loveless. 2018. “Center Right and Radical Right Party Competition in Europe: Strategic Emphasis on Immigration, Anti-Incumbency, and Economic Crisis” Electoral Studies 54: 148-158. DOI: 10.1016 / j.electstud.2018.05.008
- Downes, James F. and Matthew Loveless. 2017. “The 2008-2013 Economic Crisis in Europe: Right-Wing Party Competition” European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong (EUAP) Working Paper.
Current Projects
- Binelli, Chiara, Gabriele Marconi, and Loris Vergolini. “Estimating the Demand for Artificial Intelligence Skills in Europe”.
- Binelli, Chiara. 2019. “Employment and Earnings Expectations of Jobless Young Skilled: Evidence from Italy”. Social Indicators Research, 145(1), 201-231. doi: 10.1007/s11205-019-02106-y
- Loveless, Matthew and Chiara Binelli. 2018. “Economic Expectations and Satisfaction with Democracy: Evidence from Italy” Government & Opposition X. 1–17. DOI: 10.1017/gov.2018.31.
- Binelli, Chiara. 2016. “Youth and the future Italian graduates without a job” In: Young people today, can you dream ? “, PEDAGOGIKA, Volume 3.
- 2019: Center for Research and Social Progress Research Grant for the project “The Gender Care Gap”. Co-PI with Fabrizio Tonello (University of Padova). € 10,000.
- 2016: Roberto Franceschi Foundation’s Young Professional Grant program for the project “Youth Unemployment: a Pilot Study in the City and Province of Piacenza” Matthew Loveless and Chiara Binelli (Center for Research and Social Progress) (€ 7,000). Awarded
- 2016: VisitINPS Scholars Program for the project “Expectations of Job Instability, Job Insecurity and Earnings Risk of the Italian Skilled Unemployed: Patterns and Impact on Behavior”. Matthew Loveless and Chiara Binelli (Center for Research and Social Progress) (€ 6,000). Awarded
- 2014-2015: University of Southampton Strategic Research Development Fund for the project “Future Expectations: A Pilot Study of Youth Unemployment in Italy”. PI: Chiara Binelli (£ 3,934). Awarded